Fishing trips to alaska

Whether going on king salmon fishing trips to Alaska or just to the lake this weekend, having fishing trip checklists is absolutely important. There’s a good chance of forgetting things without them, after all.

Here’s a quick review of what to bring.

Fishing Gear. – Obviously, you can’t forget your fishing gear. How else are you going to catch that big one? Make sure you have your fishing license (along with all the applicable stamps, and written approval if you’re going to go fishing on private property), fishing poles, live bait, and a map of where you’re fishing. Your tackle box is important to have, too, and should be loaded up with bobbers, extra fishing line, fish stringer, hooks, jigs, leaders, lures, power bait, sinkers, and weights.

General Gear. – Besides the gear you’ll specifically use for fishing, you’re going to want to have other things on hand, too. Be sure to take some sun screen, sunglasses, a first aid kit, bug spray, a portable GPS, a compass, a utility knife, and a pair of needle nose pliers with you when you head out.

Other Things. – You’re going to want to bring some other accouterment with you when you go fishing. Be sure to pack plenty of warm clothes, hand sanitizer, a good camera, clean towels, bottled water, a rope tape measuerer, toilet paper, and plenty of energy foods.

No matter how big or small your next fishing trip is, don’t forget to use a checklist to remember everything you need. You’d also be wise to make sure your fishing equipment is the right stuff needed to catch the type of fish you’re going after. After all, some fish are bigger, and stronger than other types, so you’re going to need sturdier rods and reels.

If you have any questions, or know of anything else to bring, feel free to share in the comments.

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