White label cooler

Camping is a great way to get away from civilization and reconnect with nature. It can leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed, even after just a couple of days away. In 2012, 74% of those asked said they camped in a public campground, and 38 million people enjoyed it. However, important things such as reliable cooler brands or first aid knowledge fly under the radar, though they are important to consider for the safety of your trip. Do you know all of the things you should be keeping in mind as you hit the road? Test your knowledge against our three tips below!

Never arrive after dark.

First of all, if it’s dark, you cannot properly assess your surroundings. This may mean something as simple as not finding the best place to set up the tent, to something more serious such as not being able to see any potential dangers. You also won’t be able to properly set up your equipment. Without the correct lighting, you may miss something while constructing your tent, or any other pieces of equipment on your site.

Make sure your cooler and other foods are secured correctly.

About 24% of those ages 18 to 34 and 27% of those between the ages of 35 to 44 bought a camping cooler in the past year. Also, 81% of those asked said they plan to go on three or more camping trips this year. When on a camping trip, one of the most important things is for you to make sure that the cooler- or anywhere else you keep food- is away from where animals may try to get into it. Products that are “bear-proof” can survive about 60 minutes of contact with a bear, but in recent years bears have gotten more creative in their approach when trying to obtain food. Heavy duty coolers or a camo cooler may be helpful in that regard. Do your research on cooler brands before you pick one up! Not only can properly storing your food keep danger away, but it can also prevent the impoundment of your food or car and/or a fine of up to $5,000. You may also lose your camping permit.

Know basic first aid.

Not to scare you out of camping, but depending on the outdoor activities you engage in on a camping trip, you run the risk of issues ranging from poison ivy to burns or cuts. You should know how to initially treat these until you can find an urgent care or hospital!

Do your research on cooler brands and other types of equipment. Proper equipment is less faulty and ultimately leads to less frustration. As long as you keep these three tips in mind, you are on your way to having a relaxing and safe camping trip. Tell us about your plans below!

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