Have you decided to start running? Running is a favorite sport of many, and over a billion pairs of running shoes are sold every year worldwide. Every mile that you run, you burn about 100 calories. Running, like anything, requires commitment and preparation beforehand. Just like you would not try to bake a cake with only half the ingredients you need, you should not start running without a solid foundation laid down. Here are running tips for beginners that will help you out.
1. Stretching.
Stretching before you run is important, since stretching reduces the risk of injury and falling. The idea behind stretching is that your muscles are not only more limber, but they also practice the flexibility you will need to bounce back from tripping over a root. Research shows that stretching allows you to recover more quickly from your run. Hamstring stretches, quatriceps stretches, piriformis stretches, and calf stretches are all good for a beginner running program.
2. Good form.
Many running beginners, and even some more experienced runners, have poor running form. When you run, your hips should be in front of your feet to propel you forward. Many people try to push off in their strides with their heel, when instead, you should push off with the balls of your feet. If you run on grass without your shoes on, you will notice your feet start to follow this natural pattern. Doing this allows you to optimize your stride. Good, straight posture is also important, and will lessen the chance of upper body pain.
3. Breathe through the nose and mouth.
Back in Middle School, many of us were taught that correct form for running is breathing through your nose, since this prevents us from losing hydration and helps regulate pace. For beginner running, however, breathing through the nose and mouth helps make sure your muscles are getting enough oxygen, and can help prevent side stitches. Dr. James Shaffrath, a lecturer at the University of California, says that in fact, there are no studies suggesting that mouth and nose breathing decreases performance.