Skateboarding has become a popular activity and its popularity continues to grow by the day. It is estimated that approximately 11 million people have confirmed to enjoying skateboarding on a regular basis. There are different types of skateboards depending on their usage. An electric skateboard is an item that many people look forward to owning. Just like it is with an all terrain skateboard, there are many factors that should be taken into consideration before buying an electric powered skateboard. Unfortunately, many skateboarders often ignore these factors and end up regretting in the long run. Below are some of the most common mistakes that people make when buying an all terrain electric skateboard.
Buying a Skateboard that is too big and Heavy
There are two important features that are vital when buying an automatic skateboard or an electric skateboard-its weight and length. Most people always go for an all terrain skateboard that adds to the thrill of skateboarding. Previously, the activity could only be carried out on smooth surfaces. However, this is no longer the case. It is possible to still enjoy skateboarding on rough roads. When you think about the weight and length, the first thing that should come to mind is portability. Why invest in something that is too bulky to carry around when you are not skateboarding? It is better to invest in an off road electric skateboard that is portable such that it won’t become a nuisance when you are carrying it around.
Low Capacity
The capacity in an all terrain skateboard refers to the amount of weight that the skateboard can carry. Electric skateboards are a little sensitive when it comes to weight as it cannot carry a capacity that it was not built for. It is important that before buying, check the capacity of the skateboard to ensure that it can carry your weight. If your weight happens to be on the high side, make sure that the skateboard is capable of carrying the said weight least you end up investing in an item that you are probably never have to use.
Under-Powered Electric Skateboard
Power is everything in an electric powered skateboard. The whole idea of buying an electric skateboard revolves around its ability to be powered across all terrains. More importantly, speed is also a factor which implies that an under-powered electric skateboard will take more time to get you to your destination as opposed to one with adequate power. Before purchase, make a point of checking the details including the amount of power that the skateboard has. This way, you can decide whether you want to make the purchase depending on your intended use of the skateboard. There are people who are okay with under-powered electric skateboards.
The Size of the Wheels
If you are looking for an all terrain skateboard, the size of the wheels will play a vital role on how effective that skateboard is. Small wheels cannot withstand off roads and are less likely to even move on rough surfaces. Large wheels on the other hand can guarantee the perfect off-road experience as they can counter any surface in addition to offering a smooth and stable ride. Any skateboarding enthusiasts can attest that small wheels are very unstable. Most electric skateboards have large wheels for this purpose-stability. Another aspect to consider is the material used to make the wheels. Good wheels for skateboards are made of rubber. This way, they are able to tackle different terrains with ease.
Material Used
The material used to make the skateboards determines the life and durability of the skateboard. An electric skateboard is expensive and therefore the material used to make it should not necessitate another purchase but be one that does not break easily. A good skateboard should not be made from just any plastic but quality plastic. Bamboo skateboards have also become popular as bamboo does not break easily. Skateboards made from cheap plastics are not only not durable but a safety concern as they can break anytime.