You?re planning the wedding of your dreams and you have everything in order, the dress, the location and even the guest list. The next step in the planning process is figuring out the honeymoon. This will be the location that you will celebrate the important nuptials that you and your spouse have just taken. You will build lasting memories and begin your marriage with this person in this location. Somehow, simply choosing a beach vacation that one of you has been to before doesn?t seem good enough. You want something unique and exciting, something that you will remember for your entire lives. A great, fun and exciting and unique honeymoon destination is that of white water rafting through the Grand Canyon.
The Grand Canyon itself offers a lot to tourists. It provides travelers with romantic views and wonderful weather. It is a sight that most people want to see at least once in their lifetime. Even if you or your spouse has seen the Grand Canyon at some point, there is nothing like a Grand Canyon expedition, white water rafting in front of it. On average, the canyon is only 10 miles (16 km) wide from rim to rim, but crossing by foot takes 21 miles (33 km), and driving by car is a 251 miles (403 km), five hour odyssey. Most Colorado River rafting adventures last for days, also offering great camping sites to those on the Grand Canyon expeditions.
Camping itself provides a romantic backdrop and a unique destination for newlyweds. Although they may be surrounded by other guests all day during the Arizona rafting adventure, they are able to share alone time during their camping experiences. It is likely that each spouse will sleep great from all of the excitement of white water rafting through the Grand Canyon. Many of the campsites also offer beautiful views of the Grand Canyon and of the Colorado River. Participants will engage in and view sites they have never had the opportunity to do before. In fact, the Grand Canyon includes approximately 70 species of mammals, 250 species of birds, 25 types of reptiles and 5 species of amphibians, making the white water rafting through the Grand Canyon trip even more exciting.
Today, about 77% of Americans view outdoor recreation as an important part of their lives. Whitewater rafting is one of those things that many people want and plan to do at some time in their lives, but then never actually get around to making plans for it. A honeymoon is the perfect time to take advantage of all that the best Grand Canyon rafting trips have to offer. White water rafting through the Grand Canyon will surely leave you and your new spouse with many memories.
It can be difficult to choose a unique and exciting honeymoon destination. It should be, after all different from any other trips that either of you have taken before. It should include excitement and should be somewhat romantic. White water rafting through the Grand Canyon offers all of these aspects to newlyweds. The Grand Canyon offers many great views, and many of the campsites along the Colorado River are unique and will provide each spouse with the excitement that they desire.