How to run

Perhaps you would like to improve your overall fitness level, or return to your ideal weight. As a form of exercise, running can be the best way to achieve these goals both efficiently and quickly. If you are in the beginnings running, however, you will want to approach it both smartly and safely.

When you do decide to start running, it is best to get the support and guidance of a friend and fellow runner. Ideally this person could even work with you in your running programs and hold you accountable in achieving meeting your personal objectives.

You may also find that additional resources, be they books or professional magazines, blogs or newspaper columns, can be helpful in providing tips you can use as you execute your beginner running program.

For now, there are some general recommendations that are very useful in beginnings runnings. Firstly, starting small is key. Do not give yourself impossible workouts before your body is ready to handle them. Whether this may mean keeping too fast a pace for too long a period of time, or simply running too many miles, do not bite off more than you can chew, so to speak. Start with a reasonable base and then go from there. Also, it is helpful to establish a set schedule for running, with a regular time of day that you devote exclusively to exercise.

If you have questions about how to start your running program, or you would like to share your tips for beginnings running, please do so in the comments section below.

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