The sport of ice hockey is drastically increasing. More people are following professional hockey than ever before. More people, including young children and teens, are learning the sport and participating in hockey. In 2014 alone, the number of participants (aged six and older) in ice skating amounted to approximately 10.65 million. What if you and your children could practice your ice skating and ice hockey skills right in your own backyard? With a little planning and work, you can. Building backyard rinks also provide many benefits.
Increase in physical activity
Most Americans, both children and adults alike, do not get enough exercise. We are stuck behind computers for much of the work day. We come home and immediately turn on the TV. Children jump into video games and computer games for entertainment. The country, as a majority, has forgotten about the importance of regular physical activity. Regular physical activity is important for weight control and the reduction of health related problems.
In fact, participating in sports improves cardiovascular endurance. Increased cardiovascular health decreases the risk for heart disease which is the number one killer disease claiming almost 800,000 lives in 2011, according to the CDC. Putting a home ice rink with easily coverable ice rink tarps can give you and your family the exercise you need, right in your backyard.
Increases social interactions
One of the biggest motivations for joining a sport is for the social connections. When you join a sporting team, you are developing important friendships and relationships with your teammates. Approximately 65% of youth sports participants said they participate in sports to be with friends. Having a backyard ice rink with its own ice rink tarps also gives your children something safe and educational to do with their friends. Sports have proven to be successful in keeping many children out of trouble.
Family bonding opportunity
With so many sources of technology today, it can be difficult to find ways to bond as a family. Children are more connected than ever and adults have difficultly pulling themselves away from work responsibilities. Engaging in a sport together is a great way to increase communication and bonding. Schedule ice rink time in between school and work responsibilities. Simply throw the ice rink tarps over the ice rink when you are finished. The ice rink tarps can easily be removed later, for the next ice skating or ice hockey session.
Better school performance
Sports teach a lot of lessons that cannot be taught in any other form. They teach dedication, motivation, and teamwork. All of these characteristics are important to both academic and career success. When you introduce your children to sports as a young age, they have more opportunity to learn these important lessons. These lessons are also part of the reason why many athletes tend to do better in school, and then later on, in their work lives. Teenagers who participate in sports are also more likely to be accepted to and to succeed in a college setting.
Teaches responsibility
Although it is fairly simple to have a backyard ice rink installed, it does take some amount of maintenance. This is a great way to teach children and teens responsibility for the items they enjoy. If they regularly use the backyard ice rink, they should also be responsible for using the ice rink tarp and notifying you when the backyard ice rink liners need replaced. Children will learn these lessons in responsibility that they will carry on throughout their lives.
Ice sports are on the rise. Even if you and your family enjoy the different sports that are available on the ice rink, it can be expensive to rent ice time. It can also be difficult to work around busy schedules, especially when you have to take the ice rink?s schedule into account, as well. Consider installing a backyard ice rink. You will find that it provides you and your family with many benefits, including teaching important lessons to your children, family bonding time, and an increase in physical activity for everyone.